Introductory Rudder Workshops in Canada:
If you've always dreamed of building your own airplane, or simply want to know more about all-metal aircraft construction, these workshop are a great opportunity to learn about assembling a kit - while actually starting to build your own airplane. Unlike Zenith Aircraft (USA) which hosts large groups for their two-day Rudder Workshops, at Zenair, we typically work with one customer at a time for just one day. This approach allows for less socializing, but makes the experience very productive and educational - even without a demo flight! We still strongly encourage participants to bring one helper (spouse, son, daughter, parent...) to further enhance the experience and to share the excitement.
Come and experience first-hand how you can assemble your own kit airplane!
You don't need any experience, skills or tools to attend!
Next One-day Workshop date: Set your own date - Call to make arrangements!
Start your project on the right track!
These workshops are offered at the Zenair factory in Midland, Ontario, but are also available through most of the regional Build Centers that specialize in Builder-Assistance for Zenair kits. See below for details; for additional information, just call us at 705-526-2871.
These workshops are offered at the Zenair factory in Midland, Ontario, but are also available through most of the regional Build Centers that specialize in Builder-Assistance for Zenair kits. See below for details; for additional information, just call us at 705-526-2871.
One-on-One Individual Programs:
One-Day Workshops during the week (Mon.-Thurs.) - Assemble your rudder on any day!
Some restrictions apply, call 705-526-2871 for more details and to make arrangements
One-Day Workshops during the week (Mon.-Thurs.) - Assemble your rudder on any day!
Some restrictions apply, call 705-526-2871 for more details and to make arrangements
We typically start these intensive educational workshops at 8:30AM and work all day, until done! We begin with a quick tour of our production facilities; you'll be surrounded by our fully-operational kit-building activities throughout the day. Bring a bag-lunch and comfortable shoes; makes sure to have read the assembly instructions once-through prior to your arrival. See below for additional information on how to best prepare!
Rudder Workshop Costs:
Cost of Rudder Workshops for the CH 650 or CH 750: $375.00 + HST (price of the parts)
Click HERE to download a copy of the rudder workshop Registration Form
Click HERE to download a copy of the rudder workshop Registration Form
Rudder Workshops make for a great gift ~ Gift Certificates are available! Call 705-526-2871
Come to the Workshops Prepared!
For best results at any of our workshops and building programs, come prepared:
3. Don't forget to bring a building buddy!
For more information or to register, please call 1-705-526-2871
Where to stay in the Midland area: Click here for a list of local hotels/motels.
Where to stay in the Midland area: Click here for a list of local hotels/motels.
Use these workshops to start building your own Zenair kit aircraft. You'll learn about:
- Reading and understanding blue-prints (plans & manuals)
- Principles of sheet-metal construction
- The advantages of working with sheet-metal (vs. other materials)
- Metal aircraft building and assembly techniques and tips
- Measuring, drilling and riveting (assembling the kit)
- Tools, workshop and skills required to build your all-metal aircraft
- Hints and short-cuts in assembling a kit
- Metal kit aircraft maintenance and corrosion protection
- The advantages of building, owning and flying a Zenair kit aircraft and much more...
Zenair understands that some aircraft owners would rather spend their time flying than assembling and/or finishing their aircraft from a standard airframe kit.
Starting with one of our new matched-hole pre-drilled kits, such owners can arrange to work with qualified and experienced Builder Assistance Centers (in the US) or "Build-Centers" (in Canada), to finish the Zenair design of their choice.
Zenair works with independent contractors who provide builder-assistance and aircraft-completion services; some of these contractors can also help with float assemblies, rigging, etc. If you are looking for professional help to speed-up, simplify or even complete your Zenair design, please contact Zenair to discuss your needs.