This important information is intended for builders, owners and operators of Chris Heintz (CH) aircraft designs.
Please remember that the primary sources of reference for the assembly, maintenance and repair of these amateur-built (Experimental) aircraft are the TECHNICAL DRAWINGS and the Zenair Construction Standards ("CS") manual. To ensure the structural integrity of your aircraft, make certain that every aspect of the airframe is made, assembled and functioning in accordance with the drawings and CS manual. If you purchased the aircraft complete (used) and never received the drawings, contact Zenith Aircraft Co. and obtain a replacement copy (nominal fee involved).
If your Zenair aircraft was factory-built (certified) and never sold with a set of drawings, the Zenair Construction Standards still apply and owners are in addition obligated to comply with the factory-supplied POH and Maintenance manuals. Mechanics working on such aircraft (for maintenance and repairs), can use the available parts catalogs for appropriate part numbers when ordering replacement parts from Zenair (see below for links).
Please remember that the primary sources of reference for the assembly, maintenance and repair of these amateur-built (Experimental) aircraft are the TECHNICAL DRAWINGS and the Zenair Construction Standards ("CS") manual. To ensure the structural integrity of your aircraft, make certain that every aspect of the airframe is made, assembled and functioning in accordance with the drawings and CS manual. If you purchased the aircraft complete (used) and never received the drawings, contact Zenith Aircraft Co. and obtain a replacement copy (nominal fee involved).
If your Zenair aircraft was factory-built (certified) and never sold with a set of drawings, the Zenair Construction Standards still apply and owners are in addition obligated to comply with the factory-supplied POH and Maintenance manuals. Mechanics working on such aircraft (for maintenance and repairs), can use the available parts catalogs for appropriate part numbers when ordering replacement parts from Zenair (see below for links).
Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletins, Service Letters, etc.
Every now and then, Zenair is made aware through customer feedback and/or through field experience, that a specific element in a Zenair design should be double-checked, modified or replaced to best ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. Depending on the nature of the finding (and the category of the aircraft), Zenair may issue a Service Letter, a Service Bulletin or an Airworthiness Directive (AD). Copies of these documents are posted on-line and are accessible 24/7 to Zenair aircraft builders, owners, operators and mechanics - at no cost. IMPORTANT: Remember that responsibility for compliance with applicable ADs, Bulletins and Letters always rests with the aircraft owner.
Every now and then, Zenair is made aware through customer feedback and/or through field experience, that a specific element in a Zenair design should be double-checked, modified or replaced to best ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. Depending on the nature of the finding (and the category of the aircraft), Zenair may issue a Service Letter, a Service Bulletin or an Airworthiness Directive (AD). Copies of these documents are posted on-line and are accessible 24/7 to Zenair aircraft builders, owners, operators and mechanics - at no cost. IMPORTANT: Remember that responsibility for compliance with applicable ADs, Bulletins and Letters always rests with the aircraft owner.
Copies of Zenair-related Service Letters, Bulletins and Advisories can be found in a variety of locations (i.e. at the password-protected Builder-Section of, at, or at the Zenair Europe website for European ULM models), but there is also a centralized location where all such documents are posted. For copies of all Zenair-issued Service Letters, Service Bulletins, Airworthiness Directives, etc. related to all models of CH aircraft designs, you can go to and click on the Continued Airworthiness Link (top left-hand corner of the home page).
Here are just a few examples of past Zenair-issued Letters:
Remember: You can go to for the complete list!
SERVICE BULLETIN - Oct. 2018 (click on number for full text) NEW
Affected Models: CH 750 CRUZER
Date of Issue: October 11, 2018
Subject: Elevator Piano Hinge and Stabilizer update
Additional Documentation: Oct 2018 NEW
Affected Models: CH 750 CRUZER
Date of Issue: October 11, 2018
Subject: Elevator Piano Hinge and Stabilizer update
Additional Documentation: Oct 2018 NEW
MANDATORY ACTION - Jan 2017 (click on number for full text)
Affected Models: All Zenair models
Date of Issue: January 2017
Subject: Inspection of the Horizontal Stabilizer tail attachment brackets
Additional Documentation: Jan 2017
Affected Models: All Zenair models
Date of Issue: January 2017
Subject: Inspection of the Horizontal Stabilizer tail attachment brackets
Additional Documentation: Jan 2017
For builders/owners/pilots of Heintz designs registered as Canadian AULA:
Zodiac 601XL-650 Mandatory Action September 2009
For builders/owners/pilots of Heintz designed ULM - 450kg MTOM (Europe):
Zenair Europe Service Area
For Zenair floats customers:
Float-Related Service Letters
For owners/pilots of the FAA Certified CH2000:
CH2000 Service Area
For owners/pilots of Heintz-designed Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSA):
USA SLSA STOL 750 and Zodiac 601XL/650 Service Area
Zodiac 601XL-650 Mandatory Action September 2009
For builders/owners/pilots of Heintz designed ULM - 450kg MTOM (Europe):
Zenair Europe Service Area
For Zenair floats customers:
Float-Related Service Letters
For owners/pilots of the FAA Certified CH2000:
CH2000 Service Area
For owners/pilots of Heintz-designed Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSA):
USA SLSA STOL 750 and Zodiac 601XL/650 Service Area
For ALL builders and flyers of Zenair designs:
Share your project with other Zenair builders and owners by signing up at Use the Multiple FORUMS to discuss your project with other builders; to share flying tips with fellow pilots! You can also visit and share on the Zenith Facebook page:
Zenair News is no longer published (last issue: Summer 2012). Zenair/Zenith kit builders and owners may still purchase the Newsletter DVD (all issues published between the 1970’s and Summer 2012!). There is a lot of valuable technical, maintenance and continued airworthiness information on this DVD that owners of "CH" type aircraft may still find useful. To order your copy, write or e-mail Jon Croke, P.O. Box 111, Brussels, WI 54204 USA Email: [email protected]