Parts and Accessories from Zenair
To order any part for a Zenair design, step #1 is to have the right Part Number.
Part numbers are found in the drawings (they can also be found at this European website (FR/EN)*). If you cannot find a part number, contact Zenair or complete the Quote Request Form on this page. Zenair stocks most parts for the following airframes: 750, 650, 801, 640 and CH2000. Zenair does not stock any parts of the 701. If you are a builder ordering parts for an older CH model such as the CH 200, CH300, the Zodiac 601 HDS, etc. you should include a drawing of the part to ensure you receive exactly what you expect. Zenair drawings for each aircraft model have evolved over the years and we want to make sure the parts supplied will match your edition of the drawings... Zenair does not manufacture all parts for all Chris Heintz designs. For parts that are manufactured by Zenith Aircraft in the USA, Zenair can order the parts from Zenith for you. For shipping, Zenair typically pools together many orders for one large shipment from Zenith to Zenair. If your parts are included in this shipment there is typically no crating or shipping costs. If you want parts immediately, Zenith can ship directly to you but crating and shipping costs will be added to your order. If you have a CH 701, a Zodiac or floats that were manufactured in the Czech Republic and you need replacement parts, it is possible that the parts manufactured by Zenair will not fit. You may have to get your parts custom made. *developed for owners/pilots who purchased their aircraft RTF and who do not have drawings... |
Ordering Parts from Zenair:
Once you are ready to order your part(s) you must complete the "Quote/Parts Order Form".
Upload the form, complete it and fax / email it to Zenair Ltd. FAX:705-526-8022
The following Order Form must be completed and signed each time an order is made. You can email the form, fax it, or mail it to Zenair.

parts_order_form_for_zenair_customers.pdf |
Note: Remember to include a drawing if ordering parts for an older CH model (see above for more details).